Median XL - About Us

About Us

Team Members

  • 2012 - Marco: Project Manager & Developer
  • 2013 - GregMXL: Community
  • 2013 - aahz: System Administrator
  • 2013 - Quirinus: Launcher & Documentation
  • 2013 - whist: Developer
  • 2015 - suchbalance: Developer
  • 2016 - Rishab: Community
  • 2018 - Gavin_K88: Management & Developer
  • 2021 - Ben-: Developer
  • 2023 - Gato: Developer

Former Team Members

  • 2008 - 2012 - Brother Laz: Founder
  • 2013 - 2014 - nomercy4you: System Administrator
  • 2020 - 2024 - RequiemLux: Community & Level Design
  • 2022 - 2024 - Siosilvar: Developer


  • kambala: Offline Tools, qTBL & Code Support
  • Ryunp: Armory, Twitch Bot, Technical Resources & Code Support
  • Chyromyr: D2StatsReader, Release Automation
  • Deafwave: Launcher Development
  • nomercy4you: Realm Co-Founder
  • ox: Tartarus Theme
  • Inertia: Art (Skill Icons, Tilesets, Portraits, GUI...)
  • Jetaman: Art (Tilesets, Sprites)
  • Necrolis: Code Support
  • Firehawk: Code Support
  • Mnw1995: Code Support
  • devurandom: Code Support
  • Nefarius: Code Support
  • wojen616: Code Support
  • RollsRoyce: Code Support
  • Nizari: Goblin Mod-Plugin

Special Thanks To

  • All our patrons and supporters
  • Discord Staff
  • Beta-Tester Team
  • All current and former GS Hosters
  • The Phrozen Keep / Modding Community

Contact Us

Email us at: [email protected]
No technical or multiplayer support. For those please use respective forum or Discord channels for quick help.
For issues related to multilog from one IP, use /multilog command in-game.